I won't demand condemnations of Hamas and while unsolicited expressions of support are genuinely treasured (I've gone out of my way to thank a couple of people), what I most want to hear is silence while the IDF does what is has to do.
You no more need condemnation of Hamas than of the Nazis. Evil is evil, and those who ally with it are also evil. That goes for those who blindly pretend that Hamas has nothing to do with Gaza (despite being the democratically elected government there) and that this is nothing more than righteous resistance against colonial occupiers.
Finally, anybody accusing Israel of "apartheid" or "occupation" is either stupid or evil and need not be engaged.
I am a Jewish conservative, and I am very grateful for the love the Christian Community of all stripes has shown for Israel and the Jewish people...Terribly sad and disturbing that liberal Jews have joined the pro Hamas movement on college campuses...If they only had a brain....
The left has been hostile to Jews and hated Israel for many years. Not because they are anti-Semites per se, although two very important segments of their coalition definitely are. But generally the left is suspicious of religious people for the same reason they despise the nuclear family, because they get between the individual subject and allegiance to The State. As one of their early theorists once said "Everything within The State, nothing against The State, nothing outside The State."
It is no coincidence that every totalitarian state has had to permeate every aspect of life, public and private. There are no hiking clubs, or book societies, or labor unions. No, they have to be Fascist hiking clubs, Communist book societies, National Socialist labor unions. The State provides, The State can take away. Remember the Obama administration's "Life of Julia?" The ideal "citizen" is a person wholly reliant on The State in every aspect of life, from cradle to grave. By the way, was it only coincidence that the Obamites chose the name of Orwell's female lead from 1984 for their prototypical ideal citizen-subject?
The other reason why leftists in general hate Israel is because it's both a living rebuke to their politics of victimhood and an embarrassment to their anti-Western Civilization ideology.
As for the embarrassment... well, they grovel to the Muslims for their vote, and so they find Israel inconvenient. Hard to keep the likes of Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar on side when you're palling around with the despised Jews, right? This also explains the schizophrenic attitude of progressive Jews, most of whom are not religious in any way and for whom Judaism is solely a social and cultural marker. To remain in good standing within the progressive coalition they must nod sagely and mumble agreement when Israel is denounced, comforting themselves with the delusion that anti-Zionism is different from anti-Semitism and it's nothing personal.
And then there are the black nationalists, a group born of equal parts racial supremacy and grievance. They hate the Jews for the Holocaust, and the pogroms and the centuries of persecution. The progressive mindset is zero-sum, and any competing victim narratives must needs diminish other ones. Nobody is permitted to claim persecution when the likes of Louis Farrakhan are speaking. The fact that the Jews tend to punch well above their weight and succeed in a statistically improbable degree only rubs salt in the wounds. You can't be oppressed when you practice medicine at Johns Hopkins or hold a tenured chair at Harvard. And if you can't claim oppression, then ipso facto you must be an oppressor. That zero-sum thinking again, right?
So I dunno. Leftists Jews, these "friends" of yours have always been anti-Semites. You only pretended to not notice, and to compartmentalize their hate, saying it's all due to that darned Netanyahu and those damned IDF settlers (who have not even been in Gaza since 2005). I can't advise you, this is your problem. I have no standing in your intramural fight.
Ah. Well yes, it's a sort of generic "you" addressed to all progressive Jews who find themselves perplexed that they're "suddenly" surrounded by anti-Semites.
Yes good essay about not dealing with everyone as in a big lump of a group. You wrote:
"I also suspect that she doesn’t know any Christians - black or otherwise - who continually pray about the insanity engulfing our world in general and the Middle East, specifically."
I hope this recent shock (I am still shocked) of open anti-Semitism helps Jews see and understand their true friends. Cheers.
I am delighted to share in you a fellowship that is unafraid. We are Children of the Living God. Are there differences in us? Such as skin color, gender, feelings etc.? Certainly - each of His created beings are Eternal. And absolutely different from one another. In our Savior, the Christ Jesus, we are united. That unifier is Love. And God so loved THE WORLD He suffered horribly as an innocent so that we might be reconciled back to Himself.
Jew? Black Skinned? Blonde Haired? We are all, each and every one of us, of one race. Not to be flip, it's the Human Race that was and is created in the Creator's Image. Precious and beloved - each and every one of us - beyond our worth. That's what free-will allows. Yet, Love, Godly Love, is far more valuable when we seek Him, find Him and in His reconciliation are united in Him.
You bless me with your writings dear lady. Thanks for your courage and open Love for our God. In His Love I am thrilled to be your fellow believer, your brother, and through your writings, your friend. (Wayne)
I won't demand condemnations of Hamas and while unsolicited expressions of support are genuinely treasured (I've gone out of my way to thank a couple of people), what I most want to hear is silence while the IDF does what is has to do.
Thank you for your prayers.
You no more need condemnation of Hamas than of the Nazis. Evil is evil, and those who ally with it are also evil. That goes for those who blindly pretend that Hamas has nothing to do with Gaza (despite being the democratically elected government there) and that this is nothing more than righteous resistance against colonial occupiers.
Finally, anybody accusing Israel of "apartheid" or "occupation" is either stupid or evil and need not be engaged.
Virtue-signalers like M. Rosenberg decry "racial profiling" until it suits their agenda.
I am a Jewish conservative, and I am very grateful for the love the Christian Community of all stripes has shown for Israel and the Jewish people...Terribly sad and disturbing that liberal Jews have joined the pro Hamas movement on college campuses...If they only had a brain....
The left has been hostile to Jews and hated Israel for many years. Not because they are anti-Semites per se, although two very important segments of their coalition definitely are. But generally the left is suspicious of religious people for the same reason they despise the nuclear family, because they get between the individual subject and allegiance to The State. As one of their early theorists once said "Everything within The State, nothing against The State, nothing outside The State."
It is no coincidence that every totalitarian state has had to permeate every aspect of life, public and private. There are no hiking clubs, or book societies, or labor unions. No, they have to be Fascist hiking clubs, Communist book societies, National Socialist labor unions. The State provides, The State can take away. Remember the Obama administration's "Life of Julia?" The ideal "citizen" is a person wholly reliant on The State in every aspect of life, from cradle to grave. By the way, was it only coincidence that the Obamites chose the name of Orwell's female lead from 1984 for their prototypical ideal citizen-subject?
The other reason why leftists in general hate Israel is because it's both a living rebuke to their politics of victimhood and an embarrassment to their anti-Western Civilization ideology.
As for the embarrassment... well, they grovel to the Muslims for their vote, and so they find Israel inconvenient. Hard to keep the likes of Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar on side when you're palling around with the despised Jews, right? This also explains the schizophrenic attitude of progressive Jews, most of whom are not religious in any way and for whom Judaism is solely a social and cultural marker. To remain in good standing within the progressive coalition they must nod sagely and mumble agreement when Israel is denounced, comforting themselves with the delusion that anti-Zionism is different from anti-Semitism and it's nothing personal.
And then there are the black nationalists, a group born of equal parts racial supremacy and grievance. They hate the Jews for the Holocaust, and the pogroms and the centuries of persecution. The progressive mindset is zero-sum, and any competing victim narratives must needs diminish other ones. Nobody is permitted to claim persecution when the likes of Louis Farrakhan are speaking. The fact that the Jews tend to punch well above their weight and succeed in a statistically improbable degree only rubs salt in the wounds. You can't be oppressed when you practice medicine at Johns Hopkins or hold a tenured chair at Harvard. And if you can't claim oppression, then ipso facto you must be an oppressor. That zero-sum thinking again, right?
So I dunno. Leftists Jews, these "friends" of yours have always been anti-Semites. You only pretended to not notice, and to compartmentalize their hate, saying it's all due to that darned Netanyahu and those damned IDF settlers (who have not even been in Gaza since 2005). I can't advise you, this is your problem. I have no standing in your intramural fight.
I understand that by “you” you mean her but it’s a little weird to address it to “you.” She’ll never read this.
Ah. Well yes, it's a sort of generic "you" addressed to all progressive Jews who find themselves perplexed that they're "suddenly" surrounded by anti-Semites.
Yes good essay about not dealing with everyone as in a big lump of a group. You wrote:
"I also suspect that she doesn’t know any Christians - black or otherwise - who continually pray about the insanity engulfing our world in general and the Middle East, specifically."
I hope this recent shock (I am still shocked) of open anti-Semitism helps Jews see and understand their true friends. Cheers.
Beautifully said. You may enjoy my recent post along similar lines. I will donate in a few hours. Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you and good stuff! Subscribed and I do know who Nebuchadnezzar was, though I had to check my spelling.
Well done, love, well done.
Anyone who associated with, or promoted BLM is a fool and deserve no sympathy.
Hello and Blessings Ms. Juliette,
I am delighted to share in you a fellowship that is unafraid. We are Children of the Living God. Are there differences in us? Such as skin color, gender, feelings etc.? Certainly - each of His created beings are Eternal. And absolutely different from one another. In our Savior, the Christ Jesus, we are united. That unifier is Love. And God so loved THE WORLD He suffered horribly as an innocent so that we might be reconciled back to Himself.
Jew? Black Skinned? Blonde Haired? We are all, each and every one of us, of one race. Not to be flip, it's the Human Race that was and is created in the Creator's Image. Precious and beloved - each and every one of us - beyond our worth. That's what free-will allows. Yet, Love, Godly Love, is far more valuable when we seek Him, find Him and in His reconciliation are united in Him.
You bless me with your writings dear lady. Thanks for your courage and open Love for our God. In His Love I am thrilled to be your fellow believer, your brother, and through your writings, your friend. (Wayne)