The quest to get all free subscribers to donate at least $5 has been on since August 23rd. So far it’s 191 out of 1,267 - with some repeat donors - and I appreciate you all greatly!
So another front (re-)opened in the nation-against-nation wars a few days ago.
I’m old enough to remember similar sentiments regarding black American’s near universal support for Barack Obama during his nascent presidential campaign in 2008. This followed the exposure that the former president had been a 20-year congregant at Trinity United Church of Christ whose then-pastor, Jeremiah Wright, preached Black Liberation Theology (BLT).
Short version of BLT: their version of Jesus will come back to get revenge on white people on behalf of blacks.
I’m certain that the majority of black American voters had never heard of Black Liberation Theology or Jeremiah Wright. They were just happy to vote for a viable candidate for president who was of African descent like all of us are. See: Catholics and JFK.
Side note: newbies need to know that I haven’t voted for a Democrat in the 21st century. There is also this.
Ever since some previously somnambulant people began to notice truths which were self-evident to the awake about presidential candidate Barack Obama, his mentor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright and their adherence to Black Liberation Theology (in addition to the candidate's faithful adherence to classic socialism/communism, elitism and Identity Politics), one can notice the sense of blind outrage in the tone of some white observers, most curiously in the tone of those who are conservative. Sometimes that outrage is not only directed at the candidate, but at all black Americans. It’s as if black Americans had collectively sworn some Oath to forgive all white Americans - as if they needed forgiving - but because Obama, Wright and their ilk exist, that phantom Oath has been violated. To some, this ilk somehow represents all black Americans and in order for us - all black Americans, that is - to be trusted again, we must repudiate the haters and their ideology.
Ms. Rosenberg is obviously on the left side of the political spectrum, considering that she thinks that the NAACP and, especially, BLM were intended to help black Americans as a whole. (Both are intended to help specific black Americans; and a very small number of them at that.) Another indication of her political leanings: her collectivization of black Americans. The Black Community.
To her, the “black community” has been silent about the Hamas atrocities in Israel and the nearly worldwide protest marches in favor of Hamas/Gaza/Palestine. I suspect she means that her left-leaning black acquaintances have been mostly silent.
I also suspect that she doesn’t know any Christians - black or otherwise - who continually pray about the insanity engulfing our world in general and the Middle East, specifically.
She’s probably right to be angry at her black so-called allies; from what little I’ve read, few are fans of Israel or of Hebrews/Israelites/Jews. Some of the aforementioned want to be the Hebrews/Israelites/Jews.
It must be really tough on left-leaning Jews right now … to find out that most of your fellow leftists hate your guts and support those who would see all of you pushed out of Israel or murdered.
I’ve been mostly silent bout the whole thing, but I read what my Hebrew/Israelite/Jewish friends say. I acknowledge their grief and their fear. And, of course I pray for them. But I don’t tell them how they should think or feel because I have little personal context for what they are going through. Also, I’m gathering information and there is a ton of it.
I’ve noticed, however, that non-Jews are getting judged by whatever they say or don’t say about the matter and, well, fine.
I do wonder, however, what Michelle thinks that the “black community” should be doing to “repay” her people, other than the thing I already mentioned: praying. That is most definitely not silence.
RELATED: I Only Know What I Read
I won't demand condemnations of Hamas and while unsolicited expressions of support are genuinely treasured (I've gone out of my way to thank a couple of people), what I most want to hear is silence while the IDF does what is has to do.
Thank you for your prayers.
Virtue-signalers like M. Rosenberg decry "racial profiling" until it suits their agenda.