Aug 4, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

Okay then... this is my first time seeing an actual race card. Four, in fact.

Though I gotta say, they look the same as any other card... so maybe I've been seeing them all along and never realized? Anyway, much obliged ma'am.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

Comments like that one always remind me to remember who my real, eternal, forever family really is, that there are corpse worshipping zombies all around us, the adversary is ever moving to and fro seeking to devour, and that you, dear Juliette, are a conduit of light and reality straight from The Spirit. I pray you always stay strong and faithful, recognizing the source. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. If this was a an evil bot comment, I'll pray for the zombie sinner who is under the influence and desperately needs rescue who sent it out hoping to cause harm and hurt (and failing, really pathetic), or for the deluded zombie who thinks their pitiful comments are hitting the mark (the aren't). And I thank God for you and your reminders of healing and sanity. Hang in there, you are loved.

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Aw. Thank you.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

"Misery loves company."

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

Every day I see things online that are so massively idiotic that I can't imagine the sheer obliviousness required to post them.

I just can't imagine how anybody could type a comment like that and not hate himself afterwards. That's the kind of thing you expect to wake up in the middle of the night saying "Oh no, did I really say that? That's just a stupid dream, right?"

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

Yes, there's a definite lack of self-awareness today. Especially on social media!

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Someday, God will turn people like the message writer into the kind of person they hate, because God has a sense of humor.

I remember working on a job in central Idaho when I was a kid where one of the workers made nasty comments about everybody who wasn’t exactly like him. He had broad spectrum hate and most of the guys stayed away from him. One day he bragged that his daughter, who was attending school at the University of Idaho, was bringing her fiancé home at Thanksgiving to meet the family. The only thing he knew about the fiancé was that he was a police officer in eastern Idaho.

So Thanksgiving break arrived and the guy stopped coming to work, but no one knew why. Finally, one of the workers had a friend on the local police force who said they hired the daughter’s fiancé as an officer, a young black guy. We laughed about the old man’s predicament for days, but he finally came back to work and bragged about what a fine police officer his future son-in-law was.

If you can’t beat ‘em, join them, and hope no one remembers all those nasty things you said before you painted yourself into a corner!

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

If that's a bot....it does not bode well for the future of AI.

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Me, I think we should be able to laugh at ourselves and each other.

Having said that I'm laughing pretty hard at poor silly Ugo no matter what race, creed color, etc., she/it/he (I'm being careful not to assume Ugo's gender etc.) is.

BTW: I just flipped back to your Lucking-out and read Ugo's reply to your she/it/he's needing eyeglasses and laughed even harder. I admit it may be a wee bit unkind laughing in this case as the person is mentally challenged but the statements are so outrageous I can't help but laugh.

& just read your reply to the reply, yes though Ugo is rather niggardly in praising you, she/it/he obviously spends a lot of time reading your work.

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And probably is unable to see the irony of it.

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Cretinous comment. Shame on him/her.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

Really makes me wonder at the thought process of somebody who could type that. Takes not only a special kind of stupid, but a huge impervious ego top be that kind of troll. These people are black holes of obliviousness...

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He needs to consult with a proctologist, because he’s an a. . . you what he is.

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Just Wow...I have no words

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