A Comparison With Another People
2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
These were God’s words to Abram, whom He later renamed Abraham. Of course, that great nation is Israel, aka the Israelites or Hebrews, collectively and colloquially known as the Jews. (And let's not forget that God has punished the children of Israel more than once for disobedience.)
But if God blessed the Hebrews to be His beacon to the world - to send His Son down to earth as one of them - why should God’s curses not be in effect when other people remain outside of the Lifter of curses, Jesus the Christ, the one to whom God refers to in this line: "in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed?”
The Scattering
The enemy was the author of the Babel scattering and he is the author of scattered thinking - confusion. Confusion produces chaotic action and those actions snowball through the countless generations. We have but to look at the aftermath of the Babel scattering to see how our forefathers' actions have affected us.
Hundreds of different languages on the African continent, resulting in
Forgetting the Living God and turning to various forms of idolatry
Tribalism (enslaving and massacring each other) and as a result, failure to unite against invaders from other continents - mainly Islamic entities
Enslaved and nearly wiped out (through the killing and castration of black men and boys) by the Ottoman Civilization and other Islamic entities; joining with these entities and becoming slavers of other black Africans, which softened the continent up for
Enslavement by Europeans and Americans, and
Colonization of most of the African continent by Europeans. (Ironic that the western version of slavery and subsequent colonization likely kept Islamic slavers from totally wiping black Africans out, the 19th century crimes of King Leopold's Belgium notwithstanding.)
And the present
AIDS, Ebola and other epidemics (much of the deadliness of these plagues is due to primitive, idolatrous practices) [Editors Note: I decided to keep this line from the 2014 version of this essay, but, in the wake of the plandemic, I’m less certain about this)]
Tribal wars continue
Islamic genocide, enslavement and colonization continues
Colonization by China
After slavery, second-class American citizenship (Jim Crow and other black codes) lasting until the mid-twentieth century
My (step) dad, 81 years old, says that his generation of black Americans failed the succeeding generations by failing to instill the love of the Living God in them - a characteristic which sustained black Americans through slavery and through legislated discrimination. According to Dad, it was his generation of black Americans which was the first to reach adulthood in real freedom. They could obtain real education, get real jobs, live where and how they wanted - they had freedom of choice, but most of them made the wrong choices, the chief being the abandonment of real Christianity and Christian value of the family.
Black women were lured by the government into widespread harlotry, which funded them when they had children without being married. This nearly universal phenomenon has resulted in,
Not recognizing the re-enslavement (dependence on the children of Shem and Japheth) - the terms of the Canaanite curse. In fact, we view the New Slavery as our just due
Black criminality out of proportion with the rest of the population
Self-contempt resulting in black-on-black murders and abortion far out of proportion
Contempt (envy) for all other races resulting in racist brutality for sport
Feral gangs of black youth
Robberies and burglaries resulting in most homes in black neighborhoods with barred windows
Internalized inferiority and anti-intellectualism resulting in the widespread idea that a black person who does well in school and in life through intellectual means is "not really black"
Drug use far outside of proportion
Venereal diseases far outside of proportion
Women behaving like men and vice versa (more than just a reference to homosexuality)
Hard-heartedness; self-centeredness
Oath-breakers; believers in subjective definitions for words and concepts
Nasty attitudes; not bothering to subscribe to the rules of politeness and not teaching those rules to the children
Just for the sake of argument, let’s assume that the Biblical phenomena to which I've referred are not connected with the black race. Looking back in our history - and observing our present - how could we tell the difference?
How God’s Judgment on Black People is Related to God’s Judgment on America
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic Jew, published the much-acclaimed novel, The Harbinger, in 2012. In the fictionalization, he points to ancient Israel’s downfall - a curse from God - as a result of that nation turning away from God and shows how that pattern relates to the USA as a result of that nation turning away from God since the Supreme Court decision of 1963 which put Yahweh out of the public sphere.
God warned ancient Israel what would happen to it if it fell to idolatry and the curses were many, but one stands out in relation to my topic.
43 The stranger [foreigner] that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low.
Ancient Israel turned away from God many times, but He gave them chance after chance to repent. But at some point, God had enough and gave them no more chances (for a while). After the downfall of ancient Israel, the prophet Jeremiah laments the many consequences, including the following.
8 Servants have ruled over us: there is none that doth deliver us out of their hand.
Barack Hussein Obama was elected President of the United States in 2008 and reelected in 2012. And while there are many questions yet to be answered about his citizenship, background, and heritage, one thing is for certain: he is of black African descent. (In spite of the well-circulated, but culturally ignorant assertion that President Obama’s alleged biological father is mostly Arab, one look at a photograph of the latter refutes this, as does real research into the ethnic group of the Obamas: the Luo tribe.)
There has been much speculation that the former president is not a Bible-believing Christian due to a ton of circumstantial evidence and one large piece of solid evidence: his twenty-year membership at Chicago’s Trinity Church, where the doctrine subscribed to is Black Liberation Theology.
If it is true that Barack Obama is not a US citizen and not real Christian and that black persons who are not covered by the blood of Jesus the Christ remain cursed to be slaves and servants to the children of Shem and Japheth, then Barack Obama - the stranger, the servant - is one of the curses on America for turning away from Him! Adding to this theory is that Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States. The Biblical number for judgment is 44.
It should be stressed that, were a black American, Bible-believing Christian to become the President of the United States, none of this would apply.
The hidden elite powers that rule this world - who have no religion other than worship of the Enemy - believe that all blacks should be killed. They believe that we are inferior and are a trash race of no use to the ascending New World Socialist Order which they plan on ruling and the course of our history seems to prove them correct.
But I suspect that the actual reasons that the earthly powers and principalities want to be rid of the black race are twofold: 1) The black failure at Babel—caused by lack of secrecy - to successfully infiltrate the Kingdom of their enemy—Yahweh—and the four millennia-long result, and 2) they recognize that blacks are a physically and spiritually gifted people. These powers fear what would happen if blacks as a whole were to nullify the Canaanite curse and the Babel scattering by accepting the Redemption of and submitting to the Lordship of Jesus the Christ.
I think that we have the spiritual tools to be a powerful weapon for Jesus’ coming Kingdom. So it is that the blacks have been long targeted by the Enemy and his human servants, including black ones - to be enslaved, to facilitate the enslavement of their brethren, to scatter their own progeny (through eschewing of marriage) and, finally, to murder their own flesh. The last has been going on in earnest since 1973.
Assuming that any or all of my conclusions are true, what are we to do with this information? That’s easy. Getting out and preach the actual Gospel - the Good News that Jesus the Christ died for us and rose again and sits at the right hand of Yahweh, His Father - can still be done freely, though one wonders how much longer that will last.
The difficulty lies in penetrating the layers of pride that have been indoctrinated into the black American psyche. The idea that any type of pride is anything less than a sin is one of the great deceptions put forth by the Enemy. The notion of Black Pride has resulted in a two-pronged idiocy:
1) that anything said about the black race must always be positive, and
2) that anything negative said about the black race is a result of racism or self-hatred, depending on the speaker. Veracity has no bearing.
Saying what needs to be said takes faith, courage, humility and wisdom. All of these attributes are gifts of Yahweh for the asking, but they begin with the fear of God.
I asked, and this essay was the result. I am no Bible scholar, nor am I an historian. I’ve simply taken what I know, what I’ve read, what I’ve seen, and put those things together at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. And I’m willing to be told that I’m wrong and to have the reasons explained to me.
All Bible quotes are KJV
This is an especially salient observation to me: "2) they recognize that blacks are a physically and spiritually gifted people. These powers fear what would happen if blacks as a whole were to nullify the Canaanite curse and the Babel scattering by accepting the Redemption of and submitting to the Lordship of Jesus the Christ." It is striking and awe inspiring to me as I have been struggling with how to articulate what I have seen in prayer and meditation and this captures the thought far better than I have been able to, and also properly places it within the pertinent spiritual context. Well done, Juliette!
Did you ever notice in how many ways Christ undoes the curse? A tree was the means of man's death; a tree was where Christ died. Adam was formed from the earth and returned to it; Christ rose from the earth the third day alive. The woman Eve was deceived and fell; the woman Mary Magdalen was the first person to preach the good news that Jesus had risen. There are other ways, but Christ is preeminent in all of them. If Christ can undo the curse of Adam, certainly he can the curse of Canaan.