Jul 27, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

While many appear to sincerely believe in "luck," I have always considered the term unlucky as shorthand for "having poor judgement." While random chance, or even more frequently careless or outright malevolent individuals inflict harm upon us, most of the cases I have seen of unlucky people have all shared appalling judgement. Very few people are simply walking down the road minding their own business when a piece of bad luck detaches itself from the heavens and falls upon them.

Yeah, sure a driver can have a heart attack and plow his car right through your store or home. These things are unpredictable and by their very nature cannot be planned for... although a thoughtful person might take steps in advance to mitigate the results (even a precaution as simple as having an insurance policy). But barring the Biblical tale of Job, people who have a constant run of "bad luck" almost always seem to display the same characteristic - a run of poor decisions if not outright reckless behavior. While bad things do happen to good people, and even to only moderately okay people, if you are seriously asking "why do these things keep happening to me?" you probably ought to start your examination of your poor luck with your own self.

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

I am one of those unlucky people who was enduring the 80's. Nothing went right, I always complained and I never could imagine I was indeed fortunate; Healthy, serving our country in a very fun, important mental and physical occupation and I was not ugly! (Only my attitude...) I realize now the problem was in my self, in every thing I did, say and feel. Today, every night I pray that the Lord forgives me of my sins from then and now, I thank the Lord every day that I made it to now with more than what I hoped for. Thanks for reminding me of me... DC

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

Quote seen

"The more I worked, I luckier I became" 🍀🍀🍀🍀

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

Yes. You cannot control what other people do... but you can control how you respond. Same goes for random events.

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I heard that Napoleon, when asked if he preferred bold generals or cautious generals, said that he preferred lucky generals.

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

As a child, I thought my mother's optimistic, happy spirit was just a matter of her not being as smart as my gloomy, pessimistic father. Throughout my life, I continued to keep that perspective.

Until I had an epiphany, and decided that happiness and good things were possible for me; and, more importantly, that only a sunnier approach to life's events would result in my achieving that goal.

We've all known them - the people who are DETERMINED to find the bleak aspect in every event. When they have a car crash, they dwell on the cost of replacement or repair, rather than blessing God that they were spared serious injury or death.

They complain when their house needs repairs, rather than thank God for having insurance (even with a deductible) and for the blessing of having a roof over their head (however leaky).

When their children get pregnant, they focus on how the kid "ruined" their life, rather than rejoicing in the new life to be born.

Yes, life has pain. It also has wondrous things happening.

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

I’m a Christian, so I don’t believe in luck as a phenomenon. Despite that, I’ve come to think of myself as lucky, even though I know it’s just blessings from God. I’ve even been called lucky by others I’ve worked with and been friends with. It always gave me a chuckle and I would thank God for it.

I’ve known two people over the years who were always unlucky. One was relentlessly negative. Nothing good ever happened to her and even if something good did happen to come her way, she’d find a way to only see the negative. And so, because she was blind to the good stuff, she never actually saw it.

The second person I’ve always thought was unlucky is not a negative person. She’s quite optimistic, it’s just that things almost never work out for her. She’s a person who doesn’t take any advice. She does everything her own way and almost never the conventional way. I suspect it’s due to a deep unhappiness within herself that causes her to try and make herself look more interesting, more unique, more fun. If everyone else studied accounting or law, she’d go to Timbuktu to study ancient desert lizards or something. And then she’d wonder why she can’t find a job. This person is not a Christian, but interestingly enough, the only time I’ve ever seen things work out well for her is recently. And one of the big changes I’ve noticed is that she credits God for it (something she’d never EVER done before).

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Interesting take. You've known me for an awfully long time, so you know I don't take such things lightly. But my view (personal - me only) is that God doesn't sit at a control panel or console of sorts and direct everything that happens in individuals' lives (conversely, that's exactly what I envisioned when I was a little kid). So yeh, "unlucky" is a human context, not God's. But as you mentioned, bad things happen to good people (and I really struggle with that sometimes - ok, most times). And in my opinion, it's not God directing X to happen to person Y, it just is. Your attitude - again as you said, is largely what makes the difference.

I do struggle - daily - with how God allows things that he allows to happen. And I (somewhat) get the "free choice" thing. But dang! I sure would like it if TheDudeAbove would go on ahead and intervene and stop the nonsense.

(I know I'm babbling a bit - pre-dinner cocktails have loosed my fingers, so to speak. I can talk to this better another time, perhaps. Regardless, I respect your opinions, even if I don't always agree with them! Love ya!).


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So ask Him to intervene! That’s what I do. And it’s always wonderful … and hella scary to see how closely He’s listening. Because if He’s listening then, He’s listening all those other times when you’re having prideful and self serving thoughts.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

Just like a dumb nigger to hold her cards so her opponent can see them. I assume they are all race cards, too.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023Author

Consult with an optometrist.

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Nigger, please - you know which side of the Devil's pasteboards you are supposed to look at, right? Please return to africa, you are too fucking stupid to live in Western Civilization.

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For someone who claims to hate "niggers" so much, you sure like hanging around my newsletter. Thanks for the motivation.

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Just need to remind you that you are not beloved. Now get back to eatin' your chicken. And why the quote marks - you and your brethren are, in fact, niggers.

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Had my chicken yesterday. You don’t like chicken? Now I know why you’re so unhappy. 😂

If you don’t love me, then why do you keep visiting? Yes, I know that you’re the same guy/girl that leaves your droppings here every now and then.

You should learn to be less predictable.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

In Poker, the person with the winning hand shows their cards to *prove* they won. The hand pictured above is particularly strong because it's an easy winning hand of quads in either high hand, lowball, or split pot games. Any reasonable person with a basic understanding of Poker would look at that picture and assume the woman just cleaned up.

And last I checked, Juliette does not have blonde hair below the shoulder...hence the name "Baldilocks".

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