"I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance"

"I came not to spread peace, but a sword"

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Hang in there Baldylocks!

I, at 84, young Lady, had a few more years of experiencing the America that was but we both had/saw/lived some of it and have cause to be extremely thankful.

Yep you're writing may not make the world better tonight or tomorrow but, as I think you saw from replies to your last posting, it provides comfort to many and insight to many many more.

Also, though we may be facing, shuck darn, are facing some lost dark years, perhaps lost generations, it's always possible your thoughts might just filter down to someone who really needs even generations from now. My opinion, for what it's worth, they do help many and they ain't gonna harm any.

So! To mix metaphors; Keep your nose to the grindstone, both feet on the floor, pen to the paper or fingers to the keyboard to the pixels and keep on truckin'!

& best wishes throughout the New Year from up here on top of the world!

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I second all you so beautifully said.

Juliette, have you read "Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert? I can highly recommend it. The first few pages are worth the entire price of the book. Amazing.

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Will look for it!

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Thank you, Jim.

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I so relate to EVERY word! Friend sent me Ps 37:23-24 Tues, so I went back and read that Psalm. The "counterpoint" jumped out at me, too. Thank you for affirming that so clearly!

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Attitude of gratitude. The Lord giveth, taketh away, and everything in between. Blessed be His name.

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Amen amen and amen.

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Thank you dear one. You and many others remind me that God Wins!🙏❤️

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Thank you for writing this.

As someone who feels exactly as you do regarding pretty much everything, this was a much needed read.

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Also: "Put not your faith in princes, in sons of man who cannot save you."

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Just found you thru Instapundit. Needed this post. It is so, SO hard to want to keep fighting all the evil when they seem to be winning. We have to remember how things were in Jeremiah's time. God told him to preach and that the Jews wouldn't listen, but to preach anyway. In that time, evil was everywhere and ascendant. The leaders, both secular and the priests, were totally corrupt. Evil was rewarded and good was punished. But Jeremiah never gave up and he did as God instructed.

It is easy to get discouraged and think we are alone. But just as when Elijah got all down and was having a pity party for himself, God came to him and said, "Don't be so full of yourself, Eli, you aren't the only one who hasn't bended the knee to Baal. There is ALWAYS a remnant". We must remember this promise from God.

Thank you. Gonna follow you for a while and then I may support.

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Hugs. You're a creative, with all that entails. Permanent anxiety, isolation....

Psalm 144 has always meant a lot to me. The first bits go "Blessed be the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle." I write and have always taken that to mean my fingers are my weapons.

Maybe you, too.

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I needed this today.

Have caught iterations of your blog at times over the years and always came away glad that I had. So I treated myself today and subbed. We are not the first People of the Lord who have passed through an era of trials and judgement. Keep the Faith. The Lamb wins.

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When you know you need prayer and ask for it, that is not whining. You are God's gift to many. thank you.

It seems trite to say consider yourself hugged, but when I say it I mean it and I'm hugging you right now! You are a dear friend, a sister in Christ. I wish we could be sitting and talking, laughing together, praying together, too.

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