Amidst the trash - the carcass worship and whatnot - there are some great minds out there unwinding the knots. One such mind belongs to (presumably) a young man whose threads are thought-provoking, at least to me. I only began to follow him roughly a month ago, but the man is smart with his content: he re-shares much of it in order to remind readers of his thought processes - something I’m totally onboard with, as you could have probably guessed.
Anyway, something he shared this morning struck a chord with me to confirm something I’ve been pointing out for years.
I wrote the following in 2016, but have updated it for time perspectives and other factors. And there is more 2023 commentary afterward.
"I wish black people would pick better leaders."
I swear, if I read that bullshit one more time ...
For a long time, it has been apparent that everything which appears in public and enters into our eyeballs and ears is not necessarily true. But there’s one thing I realized a while back: that even some concepts we take for granted as true are manufactured. Made-up and/or corrupted.
Here’s one: the proverbial "black leader."
For certain, there have been actual black leaders of black groups chosen by the particular set of black persons they would presume to lead. I’m not talking about that sort of person.
I’m talking about the Black LeaderTM -- the kind of guy who sees a parade going by and gets out in front of it, especially when there are microphones and cameras within range -- and money to be made. He’s the kind of guy who will eventually have microphones put under him by the likes of Bill O’Reilly or Tucker Carlson or Joe Rogan or by MSNBC on a weekly basis.
He is the go-to guy on all things "black."
Martin Luther King, Jr. was the prototype for the Black Leader concept, though not an epitome of it; other actual black leaders like Harriet Tubman or Marcus Garvey or Malcolm X were leaders organic to black populations/communities.
MLK certainly had rhetorical and financial support from outside of his community, but he didn’t start out that way. (There are several books penned by authors who say that he was a planted leader of the type I’m describing, but I’m having trouble finding those titles. So I’ll leave those allegations aside for now.)
It’s obvious that the two nationally most well-known Black LeadersTM are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and I contend that both are created personae, totally supported and publicized by the Organized Left [sic. I’m going to start calling this group the Organized Elite.]
A better label for the two? Community Organizers. You've heard of those before, have you not? Al Sharpton doesn’t even pretend anymore. Remember when 2016 Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was deliberately seen breaking bread with him?
Following the New Hampshire primary where he smoked Hillary Clinton by 22 points, Bernie Sanders made a stop in Harlem to visit with Al Sharpton.
The two men hugged at the entrance of Sylvia’s then spent 20 minutes together talking about affirmative action and police misconduct. The meeting was arranged at Sanders’ request, according to The Washington Post.
The interesting thing -- pointed to in this piece -- is that many in the “black community” are on to Sharpton’s game and have been for far longer than many in the “white community”who go on about black people “picking better leaders.”
Bernie Sanders, who only understands that Sharpton is one of the Organized Left’s designated anointed ones for the “black community,” was merely genuflecting and, predictably, it didn’t make any difference among black Democrat primary voters. The only thing that could have possibly changed that: if then-President Obama had been at his side in public. (In light of Hillary Clinton - Sanders’ rival for the 2016 Democrat nomination - having been the Obama Administration’s first Secretary of State, an endorsement of Sanders coming from the sitting president would have been deliciously funny.)
The point is that there no longer any organic black leaders picked by black people and there have been none for decades.
No, not Barack Obama and not the Black Lives Matter crowd. They are all created and supported by the Organized Left and have been since MLK was killed.
And the fact that media organizations like CNN, MSNBC and Fox News continue to allow these robots to floor-show for ratings should tell you that those organizations aren’t as far apart in ideology as they seem to be -- or at least their boards of directors and stock holders aren’t. That’s another false and implanted concept.
Two of my young cousins lamented that we don’t have “black leaders” like we used to. Both were born well after Dr. King's death and are dedicated husbands and fathers of young children.
Therefore, I countered that they are black leaders already.
Organic and self-appointed.
Black people, and, more and more, white people have become much like the ancient Israelites who longed, prematurely, for an earthly king and received a tall, good-looking and fatally flawed King Saul.
The leader needed by all humanity has always been there and is waiting for us to stop looking to flawed human beings for deliverance.
Assuming that I’m correct about black leaders being picked by unseen hands and funding sources, I wonder whether the owners of those unseen hands have learned a few things from decades-long observation.
When MLK was the (arguably) organic black leader, his followers behaved like him: pious but bold. When Jackson and Sharpton were picked and paid to be the black leaders, their followers behaved like them: belligerent and entitled.
Perhaps the Unseen Hands realized that they didn’t have to confine themselves to using pastors or even bogus pastors as their dogsbodies. Perhaps they remembered that music (sic) could become a vehicle for influencing behavior of a given group.
Could it be that gangster rappers are now the designated black leaders? Think about the foul things they rap about, about who funds these “leaders',” and apply that to much of the behavior we see among black youth, documented at places like platform formerly known as Twitter and at TikTok.
Remember what I said about the Enemy?
[H]e is the architect of Lies. God is building His kingdom, and so the Adversary is building his.
This adversary does deal in simple falsehoods, but those aren’t his most lethal weapons. He is an imitator of his enemy, God, and therefore, his deceptions are high, wide, deep, broad, complex - and, long-term.
These types of deceptions are four-dimensional at the very least; they are his weapons of mass destruction.
I contend that the “black leader” concept has become one of those deceptions - one from a long list.
RELATED: The evergreen Gramscian Damage.
Juliette, as usual, this analysis seems spot on and perfectly said. I am only a long time observer of events, but I believe you are exactly right. While reading this I couldn’t help but think about the Kennedys, (despite THEIR OWN fraught aroma), and the death of the entire “regular” Dem party at the hands of the organized Left. It feels like two separate heads of the same hydra.
Thank you for another well written and understandable piece!