I knew that I would get some unpleasant feedback from the previous post.

As you can see, I like to use poo-flingers to make points. Such tools have use, even if only for a limited span of time.
For the record, I’m sure that this person and the one featured in The Spiritual Nature of Race-Baiting are one and the same.
In real life, I’ve been called “nigger” twice by white persons; the first time - in traffic around 40 years ago - I was enraged. (I happened to be wearing Uncle Sam’s uniform at the time.)
The second time, however, was several years ago at the end of my nine-month homeless housing stint. A white woman didn’t like being rebuked by me for touching my belongings.
Her: “Fuck you, nigger!”
Me (smiling): “I’m leaving tomorrow but you’ll still be here. So who’s the nigger, now?”
Growth happens, though I don’t think she was bright enough to get the irony.
Of course, racial epithets have only a few truly effective purposes. Two of them are: to illicit anger and to conjure the target’s often unconscious feelings of inferiority.
But what if that doesn’t work? What does the Carcass Worshiper do when the target doesn’t get angry and/or doesn’t feel inferior? Ramp up the quantity of poo?
Of course, there is a particular audience watching all this, one that has an endless memory, not to mention recording angels.
36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
— Matthew 12:36-37
Keeping that in mind causes me to feel even less angry and more careful about how I talk/respond to people, even those who deserve a good cussing out.
I haven’t always been that way, so I’ve preemptively apologized to God for saying reckless things and try to be mindful of adding too many more. (Note that I did not apologize for saying mean things.)
And epithets used as weapons fall into the reckless category, especially when one thinks that there is no consequence for wielding those weapons - which is why there’s so much of it online.
I don’t even want to think about what it’s like for an unrepentant soul to give an account to God for the use of words like those above and in the second link.
And think about the amounts of idle, reckless words that each and every one of us will have to answer for - especially the ones we all have put into the digital space! Mountains and mountains of recklessness and refuse, which probably have the same smell.
Humanity you have some ‘splaining to do!
One of the things that disturbs me the most is that the current state of affairs causes me to have hate in my heart towards some people. Specifically those who have harmed children, those who have dragged our country into the gutter and have wasted our people and resources on false idols.
Every time I push my cart down the aisles of a WalMart or Kroger doing my shopping I mutter under my breath "G-damned Joe Biden @sswhole" as I scan prices and reluctantly stuff the cart. Every now & then, I place an "I Did That" Joe Biden sticker next to the prices at the store and next to the gas pump totals.
My anger is caused by an unnecessary, if not vindictive application of policies specifically designed to punish us. To purposefully enact policies that raised the prices of most every item in a store by attacking fuel, forgiving loans of upper class insouciant students, and shipping billion$ to strangers overseas locked in a stalemated war. Yeah, I'm cursingly pissed and for many daily issues, clean outta polite language. It only reinforces my belief that they KNOW they didn't win the last election, but cheated. WHY else would such economic and judicial vindictiveness be applied so gratuitously?
Even in light of all the store looting videos, the riots, gang beatings and plain gangsta mucking about by youths behaving anti-socially, I can't use 'that' word to describe them. I have curses for those kids' parents, and the 2-tiered justice that seems to bail them out and inconsequentially release them back onto the street. Those kids need a strong hand I can't deliver. If I called them 'that' word. It would only further justify their current behavior and their elders who allow them to behave that way.