All this time I've been hearing your stories read on pgunnels, not knowing it was you until today. You were my supe at Misawa AB. I passed thru much of the same shit you did -mentioned here, at least. Wow!

I'm 56 now.

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Joe! How cool is that? So happy to re-connect!

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This is my first time reading your work, courtesy of Glenn Reynolds’s posting today, and I subscribed immediately. I am looking forward to future posts, to put it mildly!

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Thank You Juliette🙏✌❤ looking forward to Part 2.

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I am still struggling with forgiving my sister... I feel sorry for her, but I still have a surprising (okay...not so surprising) level of sheer anger towards her.

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I've been trying to walk in forgiveness but when someone continues to grievously harm you and someone you love deeply, it's not easy to do.

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