Write about your grief. Write about your loss of interest in politics. Write about why movement is life, and preparation.

All of us are going through much the same thing. The world ended in March 2020, and the Republic's destruction began in force with the stolen 2020 election.

I'm navigating a decision to refuse outside employment that relies on my intellect and experience to maintain a deeply broken system.

Let things break. And write about how it feels, what it looks like.

That's what I'm going to do.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

I have no voice to sing out loud anymore but I often sing in my mind. I sing old gospel songs, old church songs from my youth. So when I read this my first thought is "this world is not my home, I'm just passing through, my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue." As I am aged many of my friends and relatives are beyond the blue now. My treasures here on earth are family and friends but they, too will someday join with those who have gone before, somewhere beyond the blue. That is what we have been promised and what will happen. In the meantime, we do our best.

Dear Friend, I wish we could meet in person, but I know someday we will meet somewhere beyond our understanding.

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May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

I lost my younger son 1 year ago (by the Hebrew calendar).

וַיְמָאֵן֙ לְהִתְנַחֵ֔ם וַיֹּ֕אמֶר כִּֽי־אֵרֵ֧ד אֶל־בְּנִ֛י אָבֵ֖ל שְׁאֹ֑לָה וַיֵּ֥בְךְּ אֹת֖וֹ אָבִֽיו:

And he (Yaakov) said "I will go to my grave as a mourner" and he wept for him

I wish I had more... in so many ways

By the way, that is Breishit 35:37

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I'm with Eric B., dealer's choice, write what you want, what you need to.

I'd like to read about your leaving LA, leaving California but hey, your choice. -grin-

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May 9, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

Dealer's choice--surprise us.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

Write about what's in your heart as always....Grief is a powerful emotion, and we've all lost loved ones. Reading about someone who has gone through it and talks about the experience is somehow comforting to me. Sharing grief divides sorrow among friends and acquaintenances. So glad your Mom is still with you, dear Juliette.

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Why should I have a normal conversation with you?

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Because you seem to be searching for something and you might find what you're looking for. And we might find something valuable too from our conversation. At the very least, we might have a few brief moments of connection that bring us something profound, silly, unsettling, joyful or something else entirely different. You have a unique experience of life. Tell us what you see!

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Sorry, this was meant for the shame-monger in these comments, not for everyone else.

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The quiet about how AI is going to change the job, visibility, and accountability of ANY Comptroller of Public Accounts is proof we are surrounded. Instead of the public being terrified of the AI encroachment on our jobs and livelihoods, the deep state should already be packing. But NOBODY, not NOWHERE has even glanced over that.

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Niggers ruin everything - go back to africa.

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You can call me a troll but what you can't do is show one single place, be it a neighborhood, a town, a city, a state, a country or a continent that is better off for having niggers live there. They, and I include you among them, destroy everything, build nothing, take from those who produce and leave a stench of failure and defeat everywhere they go.

Please refute my point - or else go be a nigger somewhere else.

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You came to her space, and are saying she ought leave for somewhere else? I don't thing you understand some of the concepts involved...

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That, my illiterate bovine friend, is incorrect. She invaded a White nation to spread her filth and disease among decent people. She needs to go back to her nigger continent and leave us in peace. And take her "blonde" sister with her. Why do niggers always try to appear White - straightening their hair, bleaching it blonde, and so on. It's almost as if they hate themselves as much as we loathe them.

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I was born in the USA as was my mother.

Neither my sister nor I have bleached our hair.

And since you loathe me, why are you here?

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Explain those strands of blonde shit sticking out of your sister's head? Speaking of hair, what the fuck happened to yours? Too many trips to the lye factory?

You are just another example of why the anchor baby law needs to be taken out and shot. You will never be an American, you will always be a leech on the system and you will never honor those great White men who created this country where you grow fat, stupid and diseased.

Liberia is calling, nigger, depart, posthaste. Be among your own kind.

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" U dum." What an appropriate moniker for you.

And your icon appears to be in blackface. Did you know?

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Back in the blogging heyday, we got much more imaginative and articulate trolls than this, did we not?

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Sigh. Everything is turning to crap. Even the trolls.

BTW, cranking out the Substacks can get to be a grind, eh? I'm having some issues with that myself. Considering some possible solutions to the lack of turn-on-the-spigot inspiration. If I come up with anything that seems to work, I'll let you know.

Good luck!

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Thanks, Bill! It's always wonderful to "see" you.

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Cocksucker says what?

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You’re going to have to create better insults than those you’ve already displayed.

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Actually, no I don't. You can't refute that Bill Q. is a cocksucking sodomite who has AIDS, and you can never be anything more than a bald headed obese nigger. Enjoy your decline, fatty.

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May 13, 2023·edited May 13, 2023Author

About the "obese" thing: you should read more of my work, since you're so interested, as is obvious by your continued presence here.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

Sorry you’re so ill. May Jesus bring healing to your heart.

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