The country we are living in at present seems confusing, as if an alternate nation-state has subsumed the previously “normal” one. But this openly chaotic world was always this way. The cover which kept us safe has merely been removed and, since that point in time, the chaos has been ramping up. And it is not even close to its apex.
“What the heck are you talking about, Ochieng?”
I read the Usual Suspects, Instapundit, Ace, The Other McCain, etc. But I also read lesser celebrated writers and listen to a few independent broadcasters, many who would have been painted as conspiracy theorists only three years ago. They seemed “crazy” - postulating a government that is the enemy of free people, free-thinking, free expression and, most importantly, free worship.
Well, that crazy place is the place in which we live now but many do not want to see it. That inability to face what our country has become is mostly volitional. The reason for the choice? Seeing it produces these questions:
“What are you going to do about it?”
“What are you able to do about it?”
If the answer is “nothing” to either or both of these questions, then you might as well—in unofficial military parlance - bend over, put your head between your legs, and kiss your backside goodbye. Or you can join with those who are the purveyors of chaos.
But there is indeed something to be done and it, of course, relates to the original turning point in our country. You, that is, you personally, can turn to or turn back to the God of the Bible - He who sent His Son to pay for all our sins. That Guy.
Seems very simple, yes? But it is a difficult thing for very many people and here’s one of the reasons I think that this is so: it requires that the individual admits to being fallible - to being, basically, an idiot in comparison to God.
It’s tough to do; this was so for me. And those who have ruined and are ruining our nation and our social fabric don’t want to do it. They continue to double down in error evil and do so in the name of earthly power. They do this because they can’t or won’t acknowledge that an omnipotent and loving Heavenly Being exists. Or they distort His existence.
Their problem, however, doesn’t have to be yours.
Just as the problem was always there, so was the solution. So don’t be afraid.
I would not care to face these dark times without faith.
If there’s one thing I can admit it’s that I’m an idiot!