A few weeks ago, I was on the edge of despair due to all the things going wrong in my life. Today, however, I’m not in despair, though the onslaught continues. I still wonder if I’m cursed, but I know that many, many other Americans are experiencing the same things that I am and worse.
You can decide if I’m cursed or not.
My stove is rusting out and yesterday the oven door handle broke off.
The kitchen faucet was fixed a month ago. It’s dripping again.
My little air conditioner – a year old – doesn't work.
My waterpik stopped working. (Good news on that: I paid for protection on it and Amazon refunded the money for both the item and the insurance. I found a cheaper one on eBay.)
My car’s axle is making loud noises, something it didn’t do before getting hugely repaired a few months ago (thanks to all the people who contributed to my GiveSendGo campaign). Therefore, I’m hesitant to do the one thing I know to make money: delivery service.
The big one: my landlords need $1500 from me today. They are in danger of losing this building.
I lost my storage unit again.
P a y p a l has my balance on hold due to its updated terms of service for business accounts. They tell me I have to create a personal account. I’ve had that account since 2008.
I am always a little ashamed of how much I ask people to donate, but, miraculously, you do. I know I’m getting judged by some observers, but I got that when I was full and flush, financially speaking.
This turns out to be the best way to do it because it bypasses P a y p a l. Most followers know that I have two life goals: to serve God and to prolifically use the tools He gave me. And every spiritual and physical force is coming against me in those efforts. The circular problem: with so many things going wrong it is difficult to concentrate on my two goals.
That’s good, right?
As you know, I planned to move, and I would still like to. But another part of me knows that a Christian’s goal is the preach the Gospel and to glorify God. If that means I have to stay here a little longer then that’s what I’ll do. But I really don’t want to live in homeless housing again and I don’t want my landlords to lose their building.
I have to call my landlord at 8AM and let him know if he can come pick up the money today. So here I am.
Oh and no more P a y p a l links.
UPDATE: Rent paid.
Bad motor mount. A little more and I would have dropped my axle on the freeway.
Love your work. Thanks to pgunnels for featuring you! Just a heads up, per Dan Bongino, Stripe isn't friendly to the conservative movement, either. Just in case, check out Dan's https://www.paralleleconomy.com/ , to see if the terms there could work for you if you run into trouble with Stripe.
Gotchya Sister, may it multiply x 100!!