Inflation Reduction Bill that requires the printing of more fiat currency and mandates the hiring of 87,000 new IRS agents packing lots of heat and loads of ammo.
A worker with no prior record defends himself when strong-armed by a career thug gets charged with second degree murder and gets sent to Riker’s Island with bail posted at $500,000.
A male doctor says that women patients who prefer to hire other women for intimate care are psychotic.
An Olympic athlete is randomly attacked by a homeless man. Turns out that a former LA assistant district attorney was attacked by the same man two years prior.
Smash and grab in Malibu.
FBI raids safe deposit boxes of innocent Americans.
Physicist admits to faking a photo of a star. It’s actually chorizo.
Lake Mead’s lowering water level reveals four bodies. So far.
Where’s the thread in all these things?
At present, I’m on my eighth or ninth annual run-through of the entire Bible. Since faith comes by hearing the Word of God, I prefer to listen to my daily Bible devotions rather than read them and when I find myself tuning the day’s selection out, I just tap and start over. Spoiler alert: hearing and listening are made better by coffee.
Then, a couple of days ago, I tapped my Bible Gateway app, opened it, and the content wouldn’t load; neither the audio nor the written portion.
It took a day to resolve the problem but, as I was trying to fix it, my own words came back to me.
[W]hat is it that makes the things of the Devil so prevalent at this point in time?
I suggest that it is the nearly instant connection that the entire world now has via wi-fi.
[A]ll humans who aren’t covered by the blood of Christ are completely vulnerable to those lies … the high-speed digital ones that get from point A to point B within fractions of seconds. Oh and, by the way, Christians aren’t immune to them either …
Our Enemy seeks to block the truth – and the Truth - so that lies can better proliferate. Especially dangerous to him are vehicles of truth like Bible Gateway. The app’s malfunction may have been a simple digital glitch, but I don’t think it was. When the Word of God goes forth to all the world in the very air that the prince of the power of the air considers his domain, there will be push-back. Just like all the push-backs that have occurred in my personal life. Just like all the push-back from the MSM and the Big Giant Tech Edifice.
There is a reason that I still have four dead-tree Bibles.
Every day, this - my assertions about truth - becomes increasingly obvious. We saw what happened on the night of the 2020 presidential election and on the following day.
And we saw how things changed in this country, virtually the second that Joseph Biden was inaugurated. His very action from that moment triggered the rocket rise of gasoline prices, which anyone could predict if they had listened to what Biden had to say before the election during the few times he was allowed to say anything.
But they couldn’t see it. All they could see was Trump and what a “horrible” “unpresidential” person he was.
When Trump was president, most had jobs, plentiful food, cheap energy, and no new wars. When Biden became president, all of that changed. And they still hate Trump, but Biden’s handlers fear him also, which is why they won’t just ignore him. That’s why they want him formally disqualified from running for president again.
He delayed their plans by getting elected, so there must be no more delays. This entire thing has such a strong supernatural vibration on it that I can feel it.
How else to explain the cognitive dissonance?
I didn’t like Donald Trump throughout most of his public life and when he announced that he was running for president, I was deeply suspicious of his motives and said so. Like many, however, I held my nose and voted for him in 2016 and was immediately rewarded with mass-freaking out by the Left.
“This might not be so bad after all’ I said. And it wasn’t.
Remember the vagina hats? Utter insanity and extremely entertaining. Trump pricked the demons of many. And, through his actions, he changed the minds of many, including mine.
In 2020, I posited that we are in a spiritual war and that the war is escalating. Of course, that’s nothing new to Bible-reading and Bible-believing Christians, but events are cementing my conclusion.
Every new incident like those listed above brings some form of this question: why are they doing this? Or: why is this happening?
To me it is obvious: stealing, killing, and destroying via the tried-and-true method to maximize these: various forms of tribal warfare. Ethnic, racial, political — the form matters not.
But the powers and principalities can’t just let it happen on its own. These things must be accelerated.
But none of this should be a surprise, not to those of us who have long memories.
About the raid again: please stop expecting them to go by the book. Why should they start now?
Sandy Berger, President William J. Clinton's second National Security Adviser. Berger, who died [in 2015], received a slap on the wrist for "accidentally" taking and destroying classified material.
Burglar was fined $50K. Bill Clinton probably hit his Paypal tip-jar (assuming Paypal existed back then).
Letting Berger off easy - while there was a Republican sitting in the White House -was a message to us all.
I think Trump knew this and was ready for it.
Wait and watch. And look up!
Thank You Juliette 🙏 God bless 🙌