So, my toilet edifice stopped functioning yesterday..
Every few months I get a small catastrophe among the things that God has given me or on my physical person - and make no mistake, everything I have is from him, including my life.
Let’s recount:
In October of last year, my beloved PT Cruiser died and I fell while doing my 3-mile walk, busting my lip and loosening a tooth. These things happened within a space of about three days.
In January of this year, my new car was vandalized by thieves.
Last month, I was attacked by a homeless woman during another 3-mile walk.
And there was yesterday.
There are at least three more incidents, but you get the point. All of the first three situations were resolved and I know that this one will be as well. I was given a new car and I didn’t lose or chip my tooth, preserving my vanity!
If I went further back past October, the list of attacks would be three times as long, but the point is not to induce sympathy/empathy ior ask for solutions. The point is …
If the Enemy isn’t attacking you, you might need to do more stuff to piss him off, so I guess that’s my lot and I am praying to be prepared for the next assault.
Anyway, there are people in this world who are having to deal with far greater spiritual assaults than those I’m absorbing.
G'day Ms. J, While sometimes not 'feeling good', There is much truth in the function: This is the Day that the Lord has made, I SHALL rejoice and be glad in it!
Of note, perhaps a minor amusement, is that during Bombing missions during WWII a common refrain was that If the Flight wasn't getting Flack (anti-aircraft fire) it wasn't over the target. When we walk in Faith, the enemy will attack. Not the best comfort-thought, but I'd rather be in the Battle with our Lord than comfortable apart from Him. Blessings Missy Juliette! (Your Idahoan friend-Wayne)