What do you want to see me write about?
And don’t give me subjects that will take me a week to do research upon.
I’ll even take subjects from trolls, even though they might not like how I’ll take theirs and turn them on their heads.
Also …
Hit the Tip Jar. All of you, if you haven’t recently. $50 would be good from 20 of you.
People sometimes attempt to shame from raising money this way, but my gratitude overcomes that.
It must be humbling to know that you live rent free in the heads of trolls.
Maybe disconcerting as well. At least there has to be plenty of room in there.
I'm curious; are race relations really that bad? Between White & Black folks? Or btw us and Jews and blacks? Is the influx of illegals being dumped in our cities turning us collectively against them?
You can pick this apart and piecemeal this if you want.
I dug the "what the heck happened to R & B? column. Stuff like that is close to me. Growing up in Pontiac, Flint, and metro Detroit in the shadow of Motown, and great AM radio.