Like nearly everyone else observing the news, I’ve been riveted - nearly speechless - since the reports from the October 7th attack on Israel by Hamas breaching the Israel-Gaza border became known.
I’ve seen a few photos of the remains of the slaughtered Israeli civilians, but only by accident. I’ll probably view some of them at some point since, as I said in this post, the act of bearing witness is powerful.
There are many trenchant observers who have written and are still writing about the attack - a word that seems insufficient for what occurred - and I’ll share some of these at the end of this post. But, right now, I want to offer a few observations about mobs.
Reminder: all mobs are demonic, including digital ones.
All mobs are crowds but are all crowds mobs? I think that all crowds have the potential to become mobs, depending on the spiritual nature prevalent among the members and of the leader of the crowd. And a crowd leader always exists, sometimes in the open, but, more often concealed. And that leader isn’t always corporeal.
Immediately after reports of the massacre in Israel, but before the Israeli government made its intentions to respond known to the world, massive protests began in dozens of cities - and in the US Congress Cannon House Office Building. And all of them were in favor of the Palestinians/Gaza/Hamas.
Remember the Occupy Wall Street movement? All over the USA - and IIRC - in many other parts of the world, these massive groups of people just popped up and camped in front of government buildings and private businesses, on city squares and on campuses, just to name a few examples. These “campers” remained in place for months and they had resources. Then ::: POOF ::: they were all gone within less than 24 hours.
And, of course, there are the Trump rallies and the annual pro-life marches in Washington DC.
All “spontaneous.”
Of course, we know that no mass gathering or protest just springs up out of the blue. There are mailing and text lists, some secret, others out in the open. I guess I’m wondering about that and about what keeps some gatherings peaceful and orderly, while others result in burning, looting, injuries, arrests, and a shit-ton of litter.
Well, I’m only kind of wondering.
Adding links in a bit.
The quest to get all free subscribers to donate at least $5 is still going on. So far it’s 163 out of 1,263 and I appreciate you all greatly.
Also, I’m still feeling some slight consequences of my fall a few weeks back, so I appreciate you prayers.
Prayers added for a complete restorative healing from the effects of your fall.
Additional prayers added for those 87% of readers to be both able & inspired to donate $5 or more to your cause.
Thank you for your work.
Note that I set the terms for the categories.