Any fan of the TV series Firefly and especially the movie Serenity knows that the quest for a perfect world has unforeseen and averse consequences and, like feces, those consequences always roll downhill.
No person, group of persons or governments can stop every single bad thing from happening into eternity. We can only reduce the chances of bad things happening using proven methods and, in a free society that explicitly acknowledges the existence of individual rights in its constitution, those methods should be subordinate to individual freedom. Should be.
The gullible, however, believe that freedom includes freedom from bad things ever happening and freedom from bad people making bad things happen. These also believe that if we take away the tools that some people use to do bad things, such people will never again want to do said bad things, much less find new ways of doing bad things.
Thus, do the gullible believe that taking away guns from the entire American populace will permanently prevent incidents like Parkland, Sandy Hook, Nashville, etc. It’s as if they believe that guns emit bad-things mind control.
Of course, we know that mass shootings, robberies, rapes, burglaries, gang warfare, etc. with targeting expanded to every home, school and business in the nation – except for those of the rich -- will become more frequent, simply because bullied psychotic teenagers won’t be the only ones freed up by the chances of surviving while committing, say, a home invasion burglary. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of street gangs and drug/human-trafficking cartels just salivating at the thought of a disarmed America.
And this leads us to the true reason that the Organized Left wants us disarmed. Any real attempt at confiscation will lead to a lot of death: of gun owners, of confiscators, and of bystanders. And after that dies down – no pun intended – there will only a terrorized remnant, beset on every side by tyrants, thieves, murderers, rapists and child molesters - and that’s just in the government.
Remember, the Organized Left is always looking to shrink populations and almost everything they advocate leads to some version of early death for existent generations and/or nonexistence for future generations. (See also: trans rights activism among children. Covert them young and they won’t reproduce.)
Everything that happens before their projected endgame? Details.
Dan Bongino draws the parallel to the TV series: The Walking Dead. An episode where the characters find a prison and walk into it. Because they fear what's on the OUTSIDE more than what's on the inside.
The Mrs watches lotsa (via-screw tube) 48Hours, That Chapter, Coffee House Crime, of course COPS, and assorted law & crime episodes. The one common thread between many of these cases is the criminal element is NEVER sated and will continue to steal, robbing, raping, killing. Skip causality of rough childhoods or the 12 years of Reagan/Bush type excuses. Criminals like being criminals. Disarming the public only emboldens the worst because then, there'd be even less resistance. Politicians and their Karen armies don't care. Chicago Alderman made a deal with gangs a long time ago and it hasn't worked out. When politicians and their street proxies nullify the police and the law abiding, the differences between the two groups no longer has a distinction.
Charles was here!