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The following is from 2005 and I cracked myself up. But I got two things wrong back then and, in 2023, the topic of school library books isn’t so funny anymore. See video below.
…the Buster-Has-Six-Daddies argument …
James uses this phrase while talking about a state legislator’s desire to ban all works which have either homosexual authors/composers or homosexual characters from Alabama Arkansas public school libraries. (I guess that Arkansas kids wouldn't even be able to read Inferno at school, although Dante has the sodomites burning in Hell.)
But, besides making me laugh, the phrase made me reflect on how its turn might have been perceived in another context.
Back in the day, such a phrase would have been construed as an insult against one’s mother; a ‘dozens’ shot: Buster’s mom is such a whore that six different guys could be his daddy.
But in the twenty-first century it would mean that Buster’s dad lives with all of his boyfriends.
Either way, Buster's house is rockin'!
This video is from earlier this year. Sensitive language.
Just two examples of time, perspective and their mutability. And of revelation. Back in 2005, the legislator’s concerns seemed overblown. Now?