Hanlon’s Razor: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
A credentialed man who writes for Big Media asks the musical question “Biden’s destroying the economy. Is it intentional?” He answers his own question (no), then immediately disproves his own answer with a list. Following that, he says that it doesn’t matter what the true answer is.
From the weight of my own credential – an AA degree – I disagree on both counts.
Biden may be mentally compromised, but back when he was vice president, his faculties, such as they were, were sound and he seemed as duplicitous as ever. And he was a willing and able participant in the Obama Administration’s attempts to hollow out America and fundamentally transform it.
Remember 2020? Sure, you do. It was during that year of plandemic and of the destruction of freelance work in California, that I posted a four-part series at my blog on the weaponized destruction that then-President Obama and his minions had inflicted on America.
I’m going to post the series again here, but I want to point this out first: the Democrats and their last two presidents have openly and repeatedly told the public what they wanted to do to us and, therefore, what they are doing is patently intentional. One doesn’t need a degree to see that, just a fair amount of analytic skill and the ability to face the worst possible conclusions. Why it matters: the inability of the credentialed to face this and, subsequently, to point it out is a huge part of the reason that this has gone on for so long.
By the way, the series mentioned required weeks of work and received tens of thousands of hits and relinks. How many people put forth a monetary contribution?
When I reshare the series here, it will still be available to both free and paid subscribers, which is my policy for content that is available elsewhere. But now you understand (maybe) why I try to get paid for content that requires research.
Part One of “The Illegal and/or Unconstitutional Actions of President Barack Obama” will be posted here directly.
It is obvious that the economic destruction is intentional. So the question is, why? And the answer is, we can't know. We may speculate, but the continuous gaslighting from the administration and its mouthpieces tells us that they will not give a true answer.
But it cannot be denied (save by the gaslighters) that we are witnessing the intentional destruction of the United States.
I first heard of Obama back in 1996 or 97, he was running for the IL Senate. He said he was born in Kenya from the first time I heard of him until 2 months after declaring a run for President of the US. I don't know if thats important because of his mother.
After he was in the IL Senate at 3 or 4 AM an interview aired on the IL State News Radio Network. Only Once. It was after the Born Alive Act was voted on and Obama was the only No Vote. He told the interviewer that women had the Right to kill their children up to 4 years after birth. It was shocking. After that (we'll say 4 AM Broadcast) it disappeared, never to be heard again.