Originally posted July 11, 2020. A new lockdown is being predicted for this year.
With apologies to the illustrious Patrick Gunnels. He knows why.
The Organized Left Elite has been building America up for overt communism/socialism/Marxism/progressivism for a long, long time.
Most educational systems have long ceased to educate their charges properly, having ceased to objectively define the concepts of leftism, small-l liberalism, capitalism, basic economics and, of course, history. Specifically, educational systems stopped calling leftist concepts and ideologies by name. This made it easier to present these principles as good and necessary -- to present them as rights.
The accepted and assumed “truth” that leftist principles are rights is virus-like. It has become so pervasive that, when those who are properly educated, formally or otherwise, try to explain how and why such principles aren’t rights guaranteed by the US Constitution and how the implementation of these “rights” has bankrupted this nation and how it has radically altered life in this country for the worse, explainers get labeled adversely: racist, Nazi, Uncle Tom, fascist, Aunt Jemima, sexist, tool of the Patriarchy, white supremacist, or some combination thereof, depending on the coating and plumbing of the Cassandra in question.
And these labels stick for the same reason -- because the definition and history behind those epithets isn’t taught either and, therefore, the objective definition is removed or hollowed out and the new definition takes its place. So, for example, instead of a Nazi being defined as someone who oppresses and murders a set of persons, a Nazi is defined as someone who stops another from oppressing and murdering a set of persons.
I call this concept The Coconut Treatment.
Additionally, in the wake of the sowing of these seeds, the human emotion of covetousness has further softened the ground for leftism. The idea of profit beyond a certain limit being morally wrong stems from nothing but envy.
Therefore, if the regular Jane knows nothing about government or economics or history except for the distorted versions dispensed by the average public educational system, the average university system and the seven o’clock news, she can be convinced, for example, that nationalizing the oil industry will bring down the price of her utilities.She can be convinced that corporations are the enemies of the worker and that their money is her money -- stolen out of her pocket. [Ed. note: This is still a valid example of the stoking of envy, but recent revelations and events have altered my opinion about corporations.]
She can be convinced that all profits accrued by other individuals and by corporations belong to her and those who look like her.
She can be convinced that all whites are racists and all blacks are victims of white racism -- and be unmindful of the implications of these assertions.
She can can be convinced that tearing down and burning down representations of her country's history is just and moral -- even a representation of a great American freedom fighter.
And, ultimately, she can be convinced that the senile servant of King Hope and Change can and will make all of her dreams come true.
And so it is that all the Cassandras warning about the miseducation of average Jane, eloquent though they may be, went unheeded for the most part - even in 2020, when the feces hit the propeller and Janes (and Joes) went on a nationwide rampage.
But ...
It is my opinion that we will have one more opportunity to pull back from the abyss, to be healed of this virus. That may happen in November of 2024.
But real healing begins a lot further down the “food chain”: with the individual who turns to God.
Good essay Baldilocks, my favorite white supremacist! Hey, of course, if it suites their narrative ain't nothing about you to negate their deciding you're a white supremacist, to the irrational we're all whatever they say we are. To a certain extent I pity rather than fault them, so scared and unsure that they make up things about others just so they can feel a wee bit better about themselves.
Not quite germane but writing the above make me think of back when I was a card carrying latter day beatnik in NYC in the early '60s. I worked with a gentleman from Harlem who had rather a strong dislike for pale skinned folks. Over time we became friends but, as he did not want to associate with whites and would never admit to friendship with such, he decided I was passing.
I suspect his usage of the word is still common and understandable today, but just in case; someone who is passing is a Negro who skin is light enough that he or she can and does 'pass' as a Caucasian.
His suggesting I was passing, of course didn't offend me but I did find it rather humorous with my blond hair, blue eyes and Irish grandparents that didn't hit the American shores until the 1920s. & no, I didn't pity or fault him, I quite understood his was just doing what he needed to do to get through the day and I was, am, quite sure some of my actions/views are rather humorous to others as well.
I do like Elite rather than Left as a descriptive of the self appointed masters of the world. Left of center is a rather inadequate depiction of such today.
Corporate overlords; The line twix government bureaucratic busybodies, media talking heads, politicians in strange beds, corporate woke, internet "influencers", klowns and Karens on the streets, in the stores, ...., is blurred, it's hard to tell where one ends and another begins these days. I think the words elites and/or wannabe elites covers them all pretty well.
<i>Specifically, educational systems stopped calling leftist concepts and ideologies by name.</i>
Not only that, but they will jettison their own terminology as soon as it becomes a liability. Critical Race Theory, for example (which incidentally is only a subset of Critical Theory, which comes from the Marxists of the Frankfurt School). They were happy to throw that phrase around until it started receiving adverse attention, because when you take even a cursory look it's impossible to reconcile with equal treatment under the law or even anti-racism. So once it was obvious even to the normies that it was a) an anti-American field of thought and b) permeating all levels of the education establishment, the left pivoted on a dime and denied such a thing even existed, and anyway it was only taught in advanced law school classes.
Likewise, woke. It is their word, and they were happy to use it until the normies heard it and realized that it, again, expressed a virulently anti-egalitarian mindset. So they mocked it and said the knuckle dragging right loved top throw the word around but couldn't even define it, hur hur hur.
Which is nonsense. We know what it means. They know what it means. But since it became baggage, into the realm of alt-right conspiracy theories it went.